The "Harnessing Wind Action inThousands of Villages" in Xinyang City's Huaibin district is tailored tolocal wind conditions, employing MySE 6.75-216 turbines to generate an estimated4.3 billion kWh of clean power yearly. This initiative is set to save 1.51million tons of coal, cut sulfur dioxide emissions by 6.545 million tons, andreduce CO2 emissions by 3.6 million tons. By sharing wind energy profits withlocal communities, the project fosters mutual benefits, making Huaibin thenational leader in village-wide wind power access. It also pioneers newinvestment and land use models for wind energy, revitalizing rural assets andboosting village incomes by over 17 million yuan per year, generating 150million yuan in annual tax revenue, and creating 50-100 jobs.