Green Countryside

Mingyang optimizes distributed wind and solar energy, judiciously repurposes idle land and biomass, enhances rural energy infrastructure,
and collaborates with farmers, fostering eco-complexes that boost regional economies and yield shared prosperity.
Scenery + Countryside
To foster clean energy advancement in rural settings, constructing an off-grid, low-carbon, comprehensive energy network that integrates various sources, like wind and biomass, tailored to local resources, is ideal. This system offers a robust energy security strategy for isolated mountainous regions.
Scenery + Agriculture
New energy facilitates hydrogen production, enriching green agriculture with sustainable derivatives like green ammonia and urea, thus enhancing agricultural potential.
Scenery + Fisheries
Intelligent marine wind fishing gear ushers in a new era of low-carbon, direct-supply aquaculture, while the hybrid photovoltaic + fishing model on land diversifies rural growth strategies.
Scenery + Animal Husbandry
Make full use of livestock manure for biomass power generation, optimize clean energy structure, and reduce carbon emissions from the livestock industry.
Scenery + Countryside
Scenery + Agriculture
Scenery + Fisheries
Scenery + Animal Husbandry